Ahnentafel: Amazing Amber Rose the Red Pride of Kylemore, Züchter: Gerd Holey, Besitzer: Ellen ten Brink
Yates Remember Me of the Red FlashDRC 313074
Yesterday’s Hero Jamson NaughtyVDH-DISZ 99259
Navylark TorbayKCT 1293902 T 04
Bardonhill Team Spirit at Wynjill
Navylark Naiad
Rhapsody Red Diamond’s ShannenDISZ 94296
Goldings Jeroboam
Rhapsody Red Diamond’s Kim
Imagination of the Red FlashVDS 98034
Jgd-Ch Ch Askhan Duke of Green Land
Turbo Duke v. d. Wester-Huy
Ballymay of the Red Flash
Embassy of the Red Flash
Sweet Sharleen v. d. Westerhuy |
Sulver Eagle of the Hillama Garden |
Anne-Amelie the Irish Spirit of NatureVDH-DISZ 06205
Karmino Aquarius
Meadowlark’s Midas Touch
Devlin Meadowlark’s Image |
Meadowlark’s Taylor Made |
Chic Choix East of Eden |
Red Tails Irish Admiral |
Quailmoor Night Lark |
Holly Conquerer of hidden IrlandHD-normal
Yesterday’s Hero Zandle Bark
Goldings Jeroboam |
Yesterday’s Hero New Life Tina |
Annkathrin Conquerer of hidden Irland
Urian vom Holterwald |
Yesterday’s Hero Lovely Lady Di |